Our Beliefs
Our shared faith as members of Faith Community Church centers on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our most basic theological convictions are aspects of this gospel.
Faith Community Church is a church built on the foundation of authentic Christian Faith.
We believe in the one true God and creator of the universe whose person and presence are experienced through the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We believe that everyone has been offered salvation through the gracious work of God whose Son, Jesus Christ, made atonement for the sins of humanity by dying on the Cross and being raised to life through the Resurrection.
We celebrate that God has given us his Son and we have received God's grace which sets us free and affords us the invitation to the Kingdom of God.
We believe in the authority of scripture and that God has completely inspired it for His good will
and good works.
We believe in one baptism of all believers which bestows God's promise of salvation on the believer. As a church, we believe in offering the sacrament of baptism to all ages to afford each Christian the opportunity to feel the love and salvation that comes from baptism. Adult baptism is for those who want to initiate a response to their coming to faith. Infant or child baptism is afforded to children as a promise of God's salvation through their parents' faith. When that child grows into their own faith they are encouraged to become confirmed and renew their own faith in the Lord.
We believe that the Sacrament of Communion is essential to the Body of Christ as the unifying act of the fellowship of believers. We believe that all are welcome at the table of God and to experience the purification that communion offers. By partaking in the bread and the cup we remember the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross and share in His presence through the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the local church is formed and united by a mutual covenant. Our covenant functions as the unifying promise we make to one another and to God to fulfill the mission of God that has been placed on this church; we reaffirm our covenant in worship as a symbol of our unified effort.​​​
"To glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we humbly submit our efforts to teach and preach God’s Word, become a spirit-filled community of faith, and uplift and support one another in God’s name."